Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our life with cars

As most of you know we never buy a new car and when we need a new one Mick just happens to find a good deal on something that he loves. Well, a good deal for who I wonder. Our last purchase was probably one of the worst except for today that is. Our car was making a funny noise under the hood, Mick the professional that he is said it was probably one of about 4 things. He's usually right on the diagnosis. Today was not a good day to have the car put into the shop. I am leaving out of town with Echo for the day we need a second car for Mick to get around town for YM ,work and school stuff . We were trying to find a rental around town but because he needs to be to work by 9:00 no real luck so he decided to call the shop to see if they had a loaner. He was told no but the shop manager said we could use his car for the day come pick it up and we will help you out. Wow, I was shocked that even happened but as we thought about it we were like yeah they should help us out with as much money as we have spent in the last year and a half (we could have purchased a brand new one by now). Think he could clean a few things out first, NO. I won't complain.
Here is the loaner.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mega Green

I have been making a few quilts the last couple months. I have tried a few new techniques and am very pleased with my latest quilt.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's raining, It's pouring...

Siah, Ty and Echo are crazy. It rained yesterday late afternoon and the kids went out in the rain and got SOAKED. They actually love to play in the rain but I warned them that it was lightning out and they should be very careful. 1/2 hour later my neighbor let me know that a 14 yr. old girl in Stillwater about 10 miles away died from lightning this evening very sad story and makes me very grateful that our kids were safe.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

1st Harvest

This is our 1st harvest of the season not including the lettuce and spinach, we had at least 4 grocery bags full of that stuff.
Fluie our bunny digs the fresh garden veggies.
Look at those peas; I think they taste amazing, all our hard work is paying off.

Boys Favorites!!

In the last two weeks we have gone through 2 bags of dried mangoes. I have to hide them from my kids, how pathetic is that.
We could actually go through 6 to 10 bags in two weeks but I refuse to buy more than 1 bag a week. Costco has us hooked because without these babies I think my boys would die.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bugs, Heat, Rain and More

The boys went to encampment this year. It was a good time but I heard lots of complaints.
Boys being jerks
Getting wet (night)
Cold at night after getting wet
Too tired
No sleep

Does that sound familiar? It all sounds like camp to me.
The boys did actually have a good time and they enjoyed the classes, the Priests teaching them how to prepare for missions, the general young mens president and when the Minneapolis Minnesota mission president spoke.
Some of the activities they enjoyed were playing football, frisbee golf, and the homemade boat floating contest, needless to say they did not finish any merit badges this year because it was a little unorganized and with all the encampment stuff it was too busy. Fly fishing here we come..
The next couple days after camp they were exhausted. Mom let them rest up but not for long
band camps, football camps and just regular old chores needed to be done.


Wondering what Frolfing is? Its a made up word meaning Frisbee golf.
Mick took the day off and we decided as a family to go and do something we have not tried before and golfing was the sport of choice but after talking about it we thought we probably could not pick that up in one or two tries so we settled with frisbee golf.
What a blast!!
We recommend you try it once, you'll fall in love and never go back to a regular old frisbee.
Warning: Don't lose your frisbee they can be expensive.

The best part of this is that its free once you have the equipment needed and there are parks all over that have the courses.
Here are a few fun pictures.