Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Ninja and the Stone of Awesomeness

Ty loves to make movies and does his best to get Siah and Echo to help him.
Here is Ty's feature movie starring Siah, Ty and Echo.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beauty Part 2

Just a few more pictures of our wonderful hike

Beauty, Just around the corner

Beauty is just around the corner from where we live. Well, its 3 hours away. Our family decided to venture out to Lake Superior on Memorial Day. We hiked 14 to 15 miles in 6 hours it was fun but more fun when we finished and got to sit down and relax to eat dinner.
Our day started off to an early 5:00 am start where we ate breakfast before we left to Gooseberry park in the Duluth area. We arrived at 9:00 and started on our hike around 10:00 and finished around 4:00.
We had so much fun, we love to be spontaneous.
This was not a well thought out plan and we seem to have the best adventures when we do this and we are so glad we took this time for our family.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Budnick

Echo loves her new bike Thanks to grandma& Pa Budnicks

Echo received her new bike via UPS yesterday afternoon and Mom and Echo put the bike together. I know we are very talented.
Thanks again for the wonderful gift Echo has been riding it non stop. You guys are great, now the boys want bikes.
We love you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Master Mick

Mick you are so awesome
Congratulations again for a job well done.
Masters, What next??

Congratulations Mick

Mick we are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished the last 4 years.
Way to go Master Mick
We love you

All about Ty

Ty has had an adventurous couple weeks at school. This is his last year in elementary school and as 6th graders they have a all school 6th grade track meet with the other 5 elementary s in the district. Ty participated in the 100 meter shuttle run and got first in his heat with his teammates, he was also in the tug of war but lost the first round due to bad footing.
His class had a poem/music night. He will have a graduation in a week. Ty loves to make movies at home mostly about ninjas and fighting.
He is such a good kid we love having in our home.

Monday, May 18, 2009

We are back

Wow! What a long time it's been since our last blog, since before Christmas.
SOOO much has happened.
Ty had a great basketball season and we can't say much for Echos but she did have a blast. Siah quite his team due to his parents making him quit for bad grades.
January brought cold weather and miserable attitudes to go with it.
The kids birthdays were all in January, we did not do much only for the fact that we were packing to move.
We now live in Roseville out of student housing, Yeah!!!
In Feb. we celebrated the kids birthdays and had a fondue night with friends and more friends.
The last few months have been crazy due to the fact that it was Micks last semester of classes for graduate school.
We will post some pictures and more updates on the last few months.