Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beauty, Just around the corner

Beauty is just around the corner from where we live. Well, its 3 hours away. Our family decided to venture out to Lake Superior on Memorial Day. We hiked 14 to 15 miles in 6 hours it was fun but more fun when we finished and got to sit down and relax to eat dinner.
Our day started off to an early 5:00 am start where we ate breakfast before we left to Gooseberry park in the Duluth area. We arrived at 9:00 and started on our hike around 10:00 and finished around 4:00.
We had so much fun, we love to be spontaneous.
This was not a well thought out plan and we seem to have the best adventures when we do this and we are so glad we took this time for our family.

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