Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caution: Graphic Content

These are live shots of Echo getting seven staples in her head to close up the large head wound she received when head butting a fire extinguisher box. So, here are the details. I am in the bathroom, when there are several loud screams from downstairs. I am not a person to get worried over a few screams but this time they sounded different. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen and there is Echo bent over with blood all over the place. You know how those head wounds bleed. I think what really got her was when she bent over and the blood ran down through her hair and all over her face, until then she was taking it like a trooper. The visit to the hospital was great, as great as an emergency room visit can be, and hats off to the emergency room staff at Fairview University of Minnesota Hospitals. They were professional, competent and very kind to a scared young girl. Thank you.

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